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Review: Iron Man 3


This movie is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! If you don’t go see this movie you have a problem. It has all the action and comedic talent that the past 2 movies had and more. Robert Downey Jr. continues to deliver Tony Stark’s ever so laughable but charming wittiness and egotistic personality. His ability to spout off one liners while kicking evils ass still keeps you at the edge of your seat. Pepper Potts or Gwyneth Paltrow makes an even bigger contribution to the movie than ever before, which turns out to be a great addition. The plot has great depth as well as twists and turns that you don’t see coming.
According to my geeks there are a few differences between the movie and the comic books that I can not share but as I understand they don’t make the movie any less great. I enjoyed seeing this movie in theaters and hope to see it at least one more time while still available. The 2 hours and 15 minutes flew by so fast I would never have known it was this long. Please do yourself a favor and go see this movie, if for nothing else to see Robert Downey Jr. kick ass. Also, remember if you do see the movie to stay after all the credits to watch a small scene. A MUST SEE and MUST BUY.