Monthly Archives: November 2013

Molli’s Favorite Christmas Movies

In honor of my favorite upcoming holiday, Christmas, I have compiled a list of my 10 favorite Christmas movies to put everyone in the spirit. Yes I know it’s early but get over it, Christmas Day will be here before we know it. Hope you enjoy my list and put a few on yours if you haven’t seen them.

10. A Christmas Story (1983)

This is my dad’s favorite Christmas movie and it has trickled down to us as well. It’s funny and cringe worthy all at the same time and definitely makes you feel better about your family during the holidays which is always a good thing.

a christmas story

9. Love Actually (2003)

I love that this film focuses on so many different kinds of relationships and in varying phases of the relationships. Though a little sad it is realistic in that the holidays can be a bit depressing for everyone.


8. The Holiday (2006)

I loved this movie when it first came out and continue to do so to this day. Yes it is a little predictable but it’s charming and light great for a holiday film.


7. Scrooged (1988)

Though this is a holiday film it is one of Bill Murray’s best films ever. He is an ass at first but soon learns that being one won’t get you anywhere. It’s an 80’s version of A Christmas Carol and all the actors do an amazing job in their respective roles especially Carol Kane. Definite must see.


6. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

Jim Carrey as The Grinch. Must. See.


5. Elf (2003)

This one packs a lot of Christmas joy and I love it. All the actors are stellar, funny and heartwarming. This one is a great family movie.


4. Love at The Christmas Table (2012)

Most Lifetime movies are cheesy and predictable and this one is no different, but I love every minute of it, mostly because of the known actors, the story line and how it could actually happen. If you like fun, family, romantic holiday films this one is for you.


3. The Santa Clause (1994)

I can’t believe this film is 19 years old (blows my mind), but its still a holiday classic. Tim Allen is at his best and the story never gets old.


2. Home Alone (1990)

If you’ve never seen this film we are no longer friends, just kidding, but really I feel sorry for you. I watch this every year with either my close friend or family and we laugh hysterically every time, because it NEVER gets old. John Hughes was a true gem of the 80’s and 90’s. RIP John.


And my Number 1 favorite Holiday Movie is…

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (1989)

Again if you’ve never seen this film I feel so so sorry for you. Clark Griswald the last family man does his best to make the holidays special for his very trying yet loving family, something that I think every head of the household can relate to. In my household this film is quoted daily as well as watched every year by my family along with us quoting our favorite lines. Mine being “I don’t know Margo!”. Honestly please watch this movie it’s a Christmas classic.


If you have favorite Christmas films that you think we should see please feel free to mention them. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Twinema Reviews.